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Blitz has so much static cling, that she'll pull all the socks out of your laundry basket just by standing near it. Her electric nature was created when she was struck by lighting as a puppy. Originally, she had no light colors on her, but the lightning gave her a jolt and shocked her fur white, leaving lighter marks splattered across her fur. Since then, Blitz has had a seriously strong case of static cling. If you're going to invite her to your party, don't let her near the balloons. Blitz is cousins with Button and Radio. 


Blitz is known for having a smart mouth and she can spit back remarks with lightning speed. Most of her friends are rather witty themselves. Blitz doesn’t really like to hang out with others who don’t make her laugh. Blitz’s parents struck it rich, allowing her to spend her days not really doing anything except pursuing her hobbies, like exploring the abandoned tunnels of NYC and going geocaching. Sometimes she will stumble upon some great finds and will trade them to her friend Crinkle, who deals with expensive items. With all her hobbies though, Blitz is most often just hanging out and smoking. Once, which picking up her stash in the woods from Puck, Blitz ran into Maggie and they went to hang out with each other and struck up a great friendship. It was Maggie who worked to hook up Blitz with her brother, Yaffa. Now they hang out all the time in coffee shops, Blitz always buying his coffee and meeting his friends. She finds that she gets out a lot more now that she has a socialite boyfriend, even though she was already pretty active. 

Click to see Blitz's  recolored tags!

© 2018 by NYCToucan. Characters owned and loved by Toucat. Do not steal, borrow, use, or say that you own the characters on this website. You are not allowed to use these characters in any role plays or inspiration without my permission. Nothing on this site is free for you to use. If you have any questions about any of the characters or art on this site, reach out to  me (Toucat). 


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