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Crinkle has lived a rough and tough life and has the missing fur patches to show it. She's gonna try her damn hardest before giving up and loves dealing with adversity. Crinkle comes from a spotty background of moving around a lot, so she likes to stay active and doesn't ever want to be somewhere for too long. Thankfully, her job is perfect for that. 


​Crinkle's job is a great one. She procures specialty items for the highest bidder. And she only has to work every other month out of the year. The rest of the time, Crinkle is usually traveling alone, trying to see as much of the world as she can. And…to visit various black markets where she can find extra buyers for the items she  procures. It was at one of these markets that Crinkle was approached by Ewan and Vana. Ewan had spent the better part of the last five years tracking down his extended family, first finding Vana and then finding Crinkle. After having been alone her whole life, Crinkle took some time to get used to being around her family again…but she likes it! The holidays are certainly more enjoyable. Crinkle, Ewan and Vana usually fly out somewhere exotic and live lavishly!

Click to see Crinkle's recolored tags!

© 2018 by NYCToucan. Characters owned and loved by Toucat. Do not steal, borrow, use, or say that you own the characters on this website. You are not allowed to use these characters in any role plays or inspiration without my permission. Nothing on this site is free for you to use. If you have any questions about any of the characters or art on this site, reach out to  me (Toucat). 


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