Korinne used to be the medicine healer for her village before she left them. Her old tribe went to war way too often for Korinne's liking. She felt it was needless bloodshed and wanted no part in their petty fights. Korinne is deeply powerful and knows many spells that have been handed down to her from her mother and grandmother. She'll never use them though, because she fears the power they'll lay across the land once unleashed. Only in the most dire of circumstances will Korinne call upon the spirits for help. She does call upon them for companionship though, enjoying the stories they tell. Their company might even be nicer to her than the living. The dead cannot start wars!
After having traveled for quite some time, Korinne eventually made a home for herself in King George's kingdom. Her magic has helped cure a great many villagers and cemented herself a home among them.