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Oh is the best friend you wish you never had. She's a total psycho-path who can go off the rails at any moment! She spends her days pretty calm but will freak out in a second for no good reason. Oh sees it all as good fun though. She doesn't believe she's hurting anyway, just messing around. Oh spends her time constantly in and out of the dungeon cells of King George's castle. One time, she was sent 200 miles away to a far off town and many months later, she still found her way back.  

© 2018 by NYCToucan. Characters owned and loved by Toucat. Do not steal, borrow, use, or say that you own the characters on this website. You are not allowed to use these characters in any role plays or inspiration without my permission. Nothing on this site is free for you to use. If you have any questions about any of the characters or art on this site, reach out to  me (Toucat). 


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