This salty sea dog has two loves of his life; treasure and his snake, Calypso. He enjoys the rocking of his boat against the waves and prefers it to the solid structure that is the main land. Salazar rarely makes it to Basenji Island, but when he does he comes bearing many gifts! He's quite possibly the only pirate to give away his treasure to those less fortunate. The Robin Hood of pirates, perhaps? He gives most of his findings to a young basenji named Ananas. He loves that she stocks Western Mountain Apples at her fruit cart (such a hard find, but she manages!). He pays a hefty price for that delicacy!
Occasionally, Salazar will dock his boat and travel over land to sell some of his heftier treasures to fix his boat. This has taken him right into King George's territory, a place that has always welcomed him. No one in that town has ever feared his pirate name and they have all patted him on the shoulder at one point or another. Once, after Salazar had "found" a particularly beautiful ring, he presented it to the King himself as a gift.