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Tango is a quiet soul who enjoys living alone in the Amazon. He raised himself and thus it took him a very long time to find out that there were other Toucats in the world. Ever since he left the jungle for the first time, Tango has met a large number of gryphons - many of whom he refers to as friends. While most of his time is spent in solitude, Tango does occasionally go on journeys to visit his pals.

Despite having wings, Tango is technically unable to fly. He can sustain flight for only a few minutes due to his underdeveloped muscles. However, running and climbing are things Tango loves to do and his record land speed is 64 miles per hour. His desire for the berries that grow in the canopies are what perfected Tango's climbing abilities.

Tango is a pescatarian and his favorite meals are catfish and red berries.​

Some Of My Favorite Tango Art

© 2018 by NYCToucan. Characters owned and loved by Toucat. Do not steal, borrow, use, or say that you own the characters on this website. You are not allowed to use these characters in any role plays or inspiration without my permission. Nothing on this site is free for you to use. If you have any questions about any of the characters or art on this site, reach out to  me (Toucat). 


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