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Vana was raised in group and foster homes her whole life. She isn't emotional about it, and chooses to live her life free from the "burden" a family would bring her. Throughout her life, Vana has collected quite a few friends and even more enemies. She's a tough broad who doesn't like snarky side comments and will put people in their place. Vana tends to be apathetic about most things that don't involve her ego or the small pack of friends she has collected.

Since her job brings in the big bucks, Vana travels around quite frequently. Her "hires" will host her in extravagant hotels and provide her with the most recent car models. Thankfully, Vana is good at what she does and has never had any residual problems resulting from a job. If you ever need someone to get off your back for good, find a way to get this girl's number.

Despite being a hard chick, Vana can still have some fun! She's got friends all over the world and likes to show them a good time when she's around. Vana has a notebook of the most interesting things to do in almost every single city she's ever been to. But her favorite place to be is in her hometown of NYC, where there are many fights to be had and a lot of fun to discover.

Click to see Vana's recolored tags!

© 2018 by NYCToucan. Characters owned and loved by Toucat. Do not steal, borrow, use, or say that you own the characters on this website. You are not allowed to use these characters in any role plays or inspiration without my permission. Nothing on this site is free for you to use. If you have any questions about any of the characters or art on this site, reach out to  me (Toucat). 


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