African Wild Dog Gryphons
Hidden in the tall grass of Africa's plains, this small gang of AWD Gryphons run around and cause a lot of trouble. They all found each other rather recently and travel around in their safe little group. Anyone looking at this group from the outside will undoubtably have some questions about how they can function. Each of them have a characteristic strength that somehow helps the pack dynamic. From the craziness of their leader to the thick accent of their foreigner, this band of misfits seems doomed for failure.

The Insane Leader
This long tailed, almost unsightly character, is the leader of a rag-tag bundle of misfits. His ability to stay calm under pressure and speak with confidence has thrust him into the spotlight. Rumor has it though, that Jules is chemically unbalanced and secretly crazy. He does a fantastic job of hiding this, by running away during his weak moments. Jules can often be seen talking to himself, twitching his face or tail, and talking incredibly fast when excited. His plans are always comically complicated and are doomed to fail if not for his smart friends.
Art & Design by Aribis@DA

The Cautionary Tale
Anytime you ask Ricochet how he got those scars on his beak, he'll tell you a different story. No one officially knows what happened except for him and he'll die before he tells that embarrassing tale out loud. He's traveled all the way from Australia to escape his past and finally found a place to settle down in Africa. He's an adventurer and enjoys wandering off on his own to bring back little snacks and trinkets. He gets along best with Jules, finding his crazy antics hilarious. Ricochet is often poking and prodding to get his little buddy to fly off the handle. Ricochet is a nice guy though, and has a strong set of manners.
Art & Design by Colonel
Co-owned with Colonel

The Brains and Humor
Amara joined the group after accidentally snaring Jules in one of her traps. He convinced her that her quality of life would get better if she traveled in a pack. Together, they picked up Ricochet and Fredrik. She's got an incredible sense of humor and an amazing outlook on life - never letting anything drag her down. She's insanely smart and loves to set little traps and tricks for her pack mates to deal with. Amara prefers to hang around with Fredrik because he's always solving the tiny problems she'll leave behind for him.
Art & Design by Frostywolfen@DA

The Hoarder and Healer
He won't say much, unless in a small one on one setting, but Fredrik is always watching. He likes to collect berries and leaves, typically using them for the healing sciences. He takes a lot of comfort in following Amara around, usually saving his minimal amount of words for her. Fredrik is almost afraid of Jules but he joined the group as a safe way to stay alive in Africa. He's trying to become smarter by solving little puzzles that Amara creates for him in her spare time. Sometimes he'll go out and scout around with Ricochet and listen to his wild stories.
Art & Design by Griffsnuff@DA

Collective Large Art Gallery:

The Asshole
It's probably best if you steer clear of Melville. He's got a grumpy attitude and he won't be changing it for you. Not even if you say please. The most Melville will probably do is sit in your general area and stink up the local energy. He's been known to laugh and have fun, but typically it is at someone else's expense.
Art & Design by Karijn-s-Basement
Adopted from Griffsnuff 7/2/15

The Moral Compass
She stumbled upon this group on accident. Her father had always spoken about a rag tag group of AWD Gryphons he once lived with, but they had only ever been stories. Once she left home for the first time, Akara set out to try and find this group. And she did! Akara accidentally found Ricochet when he was out tracking some dinner. She followed him back and immediately felt at home with this group. They welcomed her in with open arms. Akara acts as their moral compass, trying to keep the group honest and out of trouble.
Art & Design by Bird
Bought from Rana