Baywood is an overly nervous dog with an overactive imagination and a heightened sense of paranoia. He believes he's been abducted by aliens a grand total of five times, and actively seeks the perpetrators of the intergalactic crime. He's very jittery and watchful, often giving the impression of a crazy person... or just a really enigmatic one! His memories of each abduction are clear in his mind, but most, including those he works with, believe he hallucinated the incidents, or made them up for attention. Baywood bides his time, creating gizmos and gadgets to help prove his out of this world encounters actually happened!
Baywood had an uneventful puphood. He was always a nerdy little thing, writing math equations and sketching out possibly spacecraft ideas in the dirt on the playground. He was bullied incessantly for his tendency to ramble on about aliens and space and conspiracy theories, quickly making himself a target to any with a lower I.Q. than the brainy dane. He grew up among idiots, but after landing the job as an aeronautics engineer, he began to flourish among his equals instead of being bogged down by pea brained nincompoops. Unfortunately, around that time was when the first abduction happened... and they've been happening ever since!
Co-owned with Chim!