Carmen was born into a small home with her 5 brothers and sisters. Due to the family's infant child, they neglected to pay as much attention to her as was necessary and unfortunately, Carmen escaped the house. She didn't get far before being struck by a car and having her leg crushed, which she would ultimately have to get amputated. Unable to pay for her surgery, Carmen's previous owners surrendered her to the veterinarian. During her 8 month stay at the vet's office, Carmen learned to walk and run on three legs. She became very well socialized, which helped when meeting her new owners.
Ryan and Caroline had come to the office to lay their beloved cat to rest when they were comforted by Carmen's loving energy. She went home with them that day! Together, they worked to calm her fear of cars and build up her strength by staying physically active. All three of them live on a farm in Colorado with a few cats and horses.
Carmen is a confident personality and absolutely hates being told she can't do something (especially when it involves her missing leg). When these types of limitations are put on her, it only makes her try harder to prove them wrong. This has given her a huge sense of pride in everything she does and failure does not make her happy. But, she is a humble dog and will admit to defeat if it can't be avoided. Carmen is cautious and doesn't make big decisions lightly. She likes to think things through and look at a situation from all the angles. Carmen is excellent at seeing things from another person's point of view and she tries to accommodate everyone's strengths in any situation. Although, if her pride has gotten in the way, she will sometimes ignore others to win. Carmen likes to joke around, especially when it comes to making light of her own problems. She'll throw a smile at the end of every sad moment/story and try to find a silver lining in everything.

Carmen is currently in a relationship with Jafari and she absolutely adores him. She likes their active lifestyles and carefree attitudes with each other and whenever she thinks of him, a smile finds its way onto her face. She's fiercely protective of her family and Jafari and Carmen won't tolerate anyone speaking ill of them. While she would never actually fight someone, she does make that threat quite often because she knows others will not fight her due to her missing limb. In the end, Carmen just wants to have fun with those she cares about.

Carmen's cousin, Chipper, lives out on sea. They see each other every few years.