Reneé was the last born into a rather large family. She practically raised herself due to everyone's lives being so busy they didn't have much time to hang out with her. As she grew up, Reneé tried to escape the realities of her life by reading as many books as she could. The older she got, the harder this became as her life started to revolve around more than just herself. Reneé soon found other ways to escape the depression in her life by taking care of others and living vicariously through them. She found herself becoming happier with the more friends she acquired and Reneé soon developed her personality into a charming, funny, and extremely loving one.
Her care-taking style is one of rough and tough love, never forgoing feelings for the sake of the truth. Reneé is always there to lend a smile or a joke in any situation. She is fiercely loyal and will do anything she can to help out her friends. Her life is relaxed, as Reneé does not party, drink, or do things of a dangerous nature. The perfect day would be one that involves reading a good book, conversing in a lighthearted manner with her friends, and taking a long, relaxing nap (most enjoyed on a rainy day).

Reneé's best friend is Button.
She really enjoys the fact that there's another spotted dog out there who doesn't quite fit her breed's usual look.