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Out of all her siblings, Vesi is by far the brattiest. She's constantly refusing to do what anyone has told her and actually goes out of her way to do the complete opposite. She's constantly being scolded and ratted out. More often then not, Vesi is off doing her own thing..refusing to include more than one or two of her siblings at a time. She enjoys studying their emotions and habits to see who reacts how and challenging them if they question her on anything. Unfortunately, she feels like she can't change her ways due to her past of not being very kind to them. 

Needlessly defiant in all ways, Vesi won't even eat dinner if she's told to. Yet this girl can be sweet and treats animals tinier than her with an unusual kindness. She really enjoys swimming and playing with the fish, gently tossing them around.

Vesi is the daughter of Neera & Sterling. She has four siblings; two brothers and two sisters - who all have homes with friends. They were born on April 27th and are lovingly watched over by Sterling's close friend, Tosca. 

Click their ref image to go see their own pages. 

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